Holiday Traditions and Music

By John Hart

Everyone loves music around the holiday season.  We hear it in the stores as we shop, on the radio as we drive, and on the TV; but each one of us can become more intentional when it comes to incorporating music into our family holidays.  Here are ideas for parents to discuss in preparation for these special times with our families:

Get two separate sheets of paper and list a favorite holiday at the top of each page.

On those pages, list the activities (including music) that you commonly do together as a family during the holidays.

Next, agree to cross out any activities that you have discovered your family does not enjoy.  (As your kids grow up, these activities will change.)

Now evaluate what you have left.  What needs to be added?  What needs to be revised?  Do you have any music activities on your list?

Brainstorm activities together (including music), then add to your lists the ones you agree together would be fun for your family during the holidays.

To get you started, here are a few websites you can visit for ideas:


Music Activities:


Other Fun Activities: