Duets, Trios, and Quartets...Oh My!

Duets, Trios, and Quartets...Oh My!

By Kate MacKenzie

This is an exciting time to be apart of the AWSOM family!  In July we rolled out our official Chamber Ensemble Program, which gives our students the opportunity to make music with other students! The possible instrument combinations are endless, and the music written for these groups is quite fun! Each chamber music ensemble will meet once a week with their coach (one of AWSOM's awesome teachers). It is a great way to meet other like-minded musicians, make some fantastic music, and learn in a group atmosphere! 

Teacher Profile: Justin Hansen, Piano

Teacher Profile: Justin Hansen, Piano

At AWSOM we value the personal connections we make with our students, and we want you to feel the same way.

That's why our teachers have taken a moment to answer some questions in between their busy teaching schedules. Read on to learn more about our amazing piano teacher Justin Hansen!

New Teaching Internship Program

New Teaching Internship Program

By Nathan Straub

The Andrew White School of Music is proud to announce the addition of a Teaching Internship Program to our services. Internships provide valuable experience for aspiring music teachers while providing AWSOM students with the same quality of lessons you have come expect from AWSOM.