Meet Wendy - Strings, Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, and Voice Teacher
Wendy’s musical career began in her tenth year when she spent the summer with an aunt who had an organ that had light up keys and so taught herself to play. Her parents then realized the seriousness of her interest in music and invested in the piano that is now in the home of her eldest daughter. Of the 5 children in her family of origin, only Wendy continued a long-lasting discipline in the study of music.
By junior high, Wendy was eager to explore other musical options and took up the violin. As much as she delighted in her years of orchestra, band kids always had more fun so she played glockenspiel and other small percussion to participate in high school marching band. At that time, keyboards were not regulation size or easily portable, so a guitar upon graduation was the best way to bring music along with her to college. Meanwhile, she continued private instruction on violin even after completing undergraduate work at UCLA in East Asian Studies (Chinese language and history). While there, she immensely enjoyed the new offerings in ethnomusicology and learned to play the erhu, a Chinese 2-stringed upright violin.
During the extremely busy years of moving around the country and raising a family, Wendy was able to teach private lessons at home. Most of her effort was involved in her children’s musical education: Angela studied piano and violin (and cello in college); Byron’s natural sense of rhythm would find him on the drum set (while Wendy practiced the organ at church), tap dancing, playing his heart out on various brass instruments, and banging on the big drums in band; and petite Pammy was not content with flute since she wanted to emulate and surpass her brother by taking up the tuba (incredibly good sound all through college).
A major life change recently required a return to school to re-enter the modern work force. Wendy’s armchair conducting as a child (her family was one of the last hold outs for a color TV) paid off in the Music and Worship major that prepared her for choral direction and music ministry. The requirements for proficiency in piano, voice, and guitar were a delightful addition to her repertoire and a wonderful fulfillment of a lifelong dream to obtain a degree in music.
Wendy has taught in many music organizations and schools as well as participation in community orchestras, ensembles, and theatre throughout the US. In the Seattle area, she has played violin with Sammamish Symphony and currently with Issaquah Philharmonic Orchestra and Mercer Island Baroque Orchestra. Her private studio, Sounds of Music, spans the far east (Issaquah and beyond).
“She works very hard on making it fun and understands children and their varying needs. She does it with a lot patience and humor.”
Find out what monthly tuition means here!
30 minutes $180
45 minutes $270
60 minutes $324